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BL32XU RIKEN Targeted Proteins Beamline
Overview of optics hutch, experimental hutch 1 and experimental hutch 2 (July, 2009)
Recently high-quality data collection from protein micro-crystals is requested with the targeting for difficult proteins to be crystallized. A new undulator beamline dedicated for protein micro-crystallography, named RIKEN Targeted Proteins Beamline (BL32XU), is under construction, which will start operation from 2010. In order to collect efficient diffraction data from micro-crystals, a data collection system providing high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) should be essential. A small sized and highly brilliant x-ray beam with size of a few micrometers will be providing high S/N data by both increasing reflection intensities and reducing background scattering from sample. An in-vacuum undulator and K-B mirrors fabricated with Elastic Emission Machinery technique will be equipped for the light source and the micro-focusing optics, respectively. Ray-tracing calculation showed that the beam size and the photon flux at sample position correspond to 1 x 1 μm2 and 6 x 1010 photons/sec, respectively. The beam size is variable from 1 to 20 μm.
Optics layout of BL32XU
Furthermore, developments of indispensable components to achieve protein micro-crystallography with micro-beam, such as high-precision diffractometer, laser tweezers system for micro-crystal handling, advanced software system to suppress radiation damage and so on, are progressing. This study was supported by Targeted Proteins Research Program from the Ministry of Education,Science and Culture (MEXT) of Japan.
Development of stable micro-beam preparation technique
In-vacuum hybrid undulator
High precision double crystal monochromator
Diagram of beam feedback with sub-micron precision
High precision data collection with micro-crystal handling
Coaxial CCD microscope
Air-baring goniometer
High sensitive CCD detector (Rayonix MX225HE)