Call for FY2025 RIKEN Beamline project.
Rule Change on Use of Guest House from 2018A. (more)
2018A期以降の研究交流施設の利用について (詳細)
Change in Guest House Cancellation Policy.研究交流施設キャンセルポリシーが改訂されました。 If you don't cancel your reservation by the deadline of cancellation, we will charge you for the relevant cancellation fee. (more)
For RIKEN visiting scientists, students, and RIKEN employees (excluding the Harima campus)
who plan to use public beamlines for experiments:
When you conduct experiments using non-RIKEN beamlines, you must report to RIKEN BL Office
by e-mail ( all required information including all team member names,
date(s) of visit and date by which radiation badges are required.
It is critical that you contact RIKEN BL Office whenever you conduct experiments using SPring-8
beamlines. There have been some problems recently when RIKEN users did not receive radiation
badges as they neglected to contact RIKEN BL Office.
If you are aware of users in this situation, please advise them to comply with the guidelines